Georgia arrived on 11/18/11 at 9:02. She was 6 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long. Earlier that day I went in for a doctors appointment and discovered that my fluid was low. It was time to have a baby. The hospital was completely full, so we had to wait until 6:30 to get a bed. At around 7:30 I had my IV in and was getting ready for pitocin. My contractions were about 10 minutes apart, not very strong at that point, but once the pitocin kicked in they quickly went from fairly easy to totally unbearable. Around 8:15 I told the nurse that I was pretty sure that my water broke and she decided that she should maybe check my cervix. The contractions were getting really strong so she brought in a birthing ball but I only sat on it a few minutes and then told her that I was ready to push. She checked me and all I remember is her saying, "I need nurses in here now, where is the doctor? We are having a baby." Waiting for the doctor felt impossible. When she finally got there she threw on her scrubs and two pushes later we had a baby. The doctor looked at me and said, "Hi, I'm Dr. Bennet. It's nice to meet you." :)
So far Georgia has been very sweet. She is awake an hour or two in the morning and in the evening and the rest of the time she naps. She wakes up about every 3 hours to nurse. She started nursing about 20 minutes after she was born and has been doing great ever since.
Henry is doing pretty well with the change. He is a little more sensitive and makes comparisons about how we treat him verses G, but for the most part he seems to be doing well. Having his 6th birthday on Wednesday really helped. He felt very special.
Wade is working from home this coming week and Henry is back in school, so things should be a little more normal for us: whatever that is now,I guess we have to redefine normal. Have a great week.
Congratulations Kelly family. Georgia is beautiful! I love the pictures. My favorite is of her laying on Wade's chest.
You, Me, the Bean, and Pippy too :)
yay!!! best blog post...well since the first one! :) welcome to the world georgia!
Thanks ladies. :)
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