Sunday, November 13, 2011

Weekly update: 11.13.11

Not going to be a long one today folks, we have had a pretty slow week. Although we did have a bit of super exciting news on Friday when my nephew was born! I have to wait until Christmas to snuggle him but for now I'm just soaking up being an aunt for the first time. He has a ton of hair and super chubby cheeks...pretty much newborn perfection.
Anyway, I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday. We took a peek at Pippy and found that all is well. We couldn't get a good look at her face because she is now facing my back but we saw toes and fingers and a full bladder.....everything looked like it should. My doctor put me at 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. She said my cervix is ripe and ready to roll, which I thought was kind of gross but I guess ripe is the actual term they use to describe a cervix that is ready for delivery, so I got over it. She jokingly gave me 3 days. Today is day 3, so we'll see. I am not having regular contractions yet.
Henry is doing great. He has been sleeping with me for the past couple of weeks because poor Papa cannot handle my snoring/need for 18 pillows that take up 80% of our king size bed. I have to admit I love having him in the bed with me. When I wake up every 2 or 3 hours I can just reach over and grab his little hand or snuggle up in his curly hair. I keep thinking that in a few days he won't be able to sleep in the bed next to me, so I am trying to really soak it in. Plus, an added bonus is that we both go to sleep at 8:30 every night. :) The weather has been crazy so we have had some fun afternoons at the park and a few boring afternoons stuck inside. But he's taking it all in stride. He has been carrying around a bear he got at the school open house last week and pretending that it is a baby and he has been incorporating the baby into his artwork lately, which is super sweet.
Wade picked up a laptop so he can work from home for a while after the baby is born. Which is such a relief because I was panicking a little about taking care of a newborn and a 5 year old a the same time. At least this way I'll have a few weeks to get in to the swing of things before I am on my own.
Well that's about all I've got for this week. We'll be sure to keep you posted on all things baby as the week goes on. I've got an appointment on Tuesday, fingers crossed for a good progress report. Take care.

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