Saturday, October 31, 2009

H: What is God, Mama?
M: Well, God is love, Baby. He is watching over all of us. Taking care of all the people and the animals and the Earth. He is all the love in the whole world.
H: So is the way I feel about Aunt Susie, God?
M: Yes, I think so.
H: Hummm. That's good. Mama?
M: Yes baby.
H: God sounds a lot like Santa Claus.
Next year, for Halloween, I think I'd like to be a fork-lift.

Friday, October 30, 2009

M: Henry quit rolling around and go to sleep.
H: I'm sorry Mama but you're just so cute I can't stand it.  I just like looking at you cuz you're so cute. I mean it Mama, I can't stand looking at you.
Mama, let's put a big shooter on my robot costume because, you know, I like to live close to danger.
M: Look Henry, we are wearing matching shirts. We look like twins.
H: Yes Mama, if I was soft and had stinky feet I would be just like you.
H: Papa says it's okay if I write on the wall just a tiny bit and Papa is the boss so we listen to him. That's what we do Mama, we listen to Papa. And Papa says it's okay to write on the wall. He weally does Mama. He weally does.
*Bang* H: Ouch. Bam
*Bang* H: Ouch. Bam
*Bang* H: Ouch. Bam
*Bang* H: Ouch. Bam
M: Henry what are you doing back there? Why are you saying Bam?
H: Banging my hand against the car. It hurts. I was going to say damn, but that's a bad word.
M: Thanks for not saying that Henry.
*Bang* H: Ouch. Bam!
*Bang* H: Damn (whisper)
M: Henry, you're not supposed to use that word.
H: I know. Sorry Santa.
H: Boogers and snot and eye boogers and stinky baby bottoms and poop and pee and... M: Henry what are you doing in there? H: Oh, just thinking about yucky stuff.


I've been emailing myself Henry quotes for a while now and I just got to thinking that our blog friends might like to read them as well. I'll try to do a better job of keeping up with the blog now that Henry and I are feeling a little bit better. Enjoy.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


That's how we spent the month of October and why we haven't had any updates for a while. I'm hoping he will be fully recovered by Saturday and I will have some fun Halloween pics to post. Hope you guys are doing well. Stay healthy!