Friday, December 09, 2011

Weekly Update 12.9.11

Georgia has spent the morning grumbling at me but she is finally asleep so I thought I'd do a quick update. She had her 2 week check up on Tuesday. She has gained 2 1/2 lbs in the past 2 weeks. She left the hospital at 6 lbs 5 oz and weighed in on Tuesday at 8 lbs 13 oz. She's still pretty mellow and sleeps a lot, but every day she seems to be awake a little bit longer. Her vision is getting better so when she is awake she likes to be moving around looking at things. Her personality is really starting to show. So far she doesn't cry at night like Henry did, but she will let you have it when you change her diaper or don't hold her the way she wants to be held. She is really interested in her hands and has been able to get her thumb in her mouth a couple of times. I was a thumb sucker until Kindergarten, so it seems fitting that my daughter would be one also. My parents spent a fortune on Strawberry Shortcake dolls to encourage me to quit the habit. It seems only fair that I should have to do the same. :) She fell asleep taking a bath this week, so apparently she has decided that she likes baths.
Henry is doing pretty well. He is keeping busy with friends and play dates and school. I think he misses some of his time with his parents by himself, but he doesn't complain much about it. He is counting down the days until Christmas. Last week we sent a letter to Santa with at least 30 gifts listed. St. Nicholas also came to our house on Tuesday. St. Nick is something that we celebrated in my house growing up. We'd leave our shoes by the fireplace and in the morning they would be full of candy and little gifts. Henry got lots of candy and swim goggles (which he has used in the bathtub every night since) and a book about super heroes. He and Papa are working on a painting for the living room. Henry designed it and I have to admit, it's pretty great. I'll post a picture of the finished product.
I am doing pretty well. My recovery with this delivery has been so fast and easy, it's crazy. I feel good and if I just got more than 2 hours of sleep during the night I would probably feel great.
Wade is doing pretty well. He is juggling work and the family, which can sometimes be challenging but his work has been so understanding about everything, he pretty much just comes and goes as we need him to. He is still playing music and stays up too late writing music, but that's just what he does so what can I say.
We have family in town starting next week until the end of the month. It's going to be so wonderful to see my sister Susie and hold my nephew, Willem.
This weekend we are going to try to get a Christmas tree and put up some decorations. I doubt we'll get lights on the outside of the house this year, but that's okay. Hope you guys have a great weekend.

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