Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly Update 9.26.10

"Without the sour you can't appreciate the sweet"

This quote applies to many things in life. It certainly applies to raising children. I think I am going to petition for it to be that state motto for Kansas (or maybe just Lawrence because often times I feel like Lawrence is a pocket of sweet surrounded by a flat land of sour). This morning I walked outside and could see my breath and yesterday the sun shined but the air was cool and we had to grab jackets for our bike ride and THAT is the sweet of Kansas. After 3 months of hot, humid, buggy, sour, the onset of Autumn feels like a cool drink after a day of laying hot asphalt. Three cheers for sweater weather!

Yesterday Henry and I went mum shopping. Henry is not easy to shop with because he feels very strongly that we should buy every single thing that we show any interest in. He cries. He yells. He even stiff-legs it, so that we get to be THAT parent: the one that is dragging their tear soaked preschooler by the hood of his sweatshirt, with his unbendable legs stretched out behind him. Henry felt that we needed at least 8 mums. One of each color. I explained to him that we would have to put each mum that we purchased into the ground, to which he said, "That's okay Mama. I worked hard today and now you can work hard too." Humph. So we walked out with 2 mums, 3 temper tantrums, and 1 Mama feeling slightly under appreciated. Wade spent most of Sunday doing yard work while Henry and I (emphasis on I, despite what the 4 year old tells you) cleaned the house. I'm not going to lie, it was a pit. Every single weekend this month we have either had a wedding or family in town, or both. Last weekend I don't think we spent more than a couple of hours at home. So we gave it a thorough scrubbing and now it feels like home again. Yesterday we also squeezed in a bike ride, a trip to the grocery store and a soccer game.
On Saturday we attended John and Lydia's wedding. Wade was a groomsman and Henry was the ring bearer. Henry did a good job...and so did Wade. He was very nervous ahead of time (Henry, not Wade) but he pulled it together and even sat pretty still during the ceremony. I'll post pictures when we have some. For now you can enjoy this one from Wade's phone. The wedding was lovely and they were a very sweet couple. Cheers!
Friday was jam packed with the rehearsal dinner and work and school. We got it all done but it wasn't pretty. Henry still needed a tie and jacket (which we couldn't find so we went with a tie only). Wade needed a black suit. I had to make a red velvet cake and buy a glass cake stand. Henry and Wade both needed black shoes. Basically, it was chaos. We dropped Henry off at Gigi and Grandpa's house after the rehearsal so that we could get all that shopping done quickly and when I returned to pick him up I found all three of them up on the bed reading stories. Grandpa was almost asleep. Gigi was wearing her new reading glasses and Henry was snuggled in under her arm in his jammies. It was so sweet I hated to interrupt them.
Our plans for this week involve mostly just trying to do as little as possible to make up for the chaos of the past month. We need to move a lot of plants in our yard and put up the frames for our garden. We need to take evening bike rides to enjoy this time of year, when the sun is still up in evening but the air is cool and the leaves are changing color. There really is no better time to be on a bike. We love to ride in Old West Lawrence, with it's tree lined brick streets and big old houses. Henry and I have some mum's to plant and a Halloween costume to start planning. I was hoping we would have one more year of fun homemade costume but it looks like we might be unable to dissuade him from the plastic Transformers costume at Target. Bummer. Any-hoo. This weekend or next weekend the local apple orchard will open for picking and I can't wait to stock my shelves with applesauce and apple butter and maybe an apple pie, or two.
I'll try to post some mid-week photos from the wedding and our bike rides, since this post is almost picture-less and, really, mostly just me rambling on for way too long, with questionsable grammar skills and far too many comma's and "ands". Have a great week blog friends. Try to enjoy the sour and the sweet.

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