Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Henry and Wade came to pick me up from work tonight. The sky was completely clear and the stars were bright and Henry, not being someone that is typically out after dark, noticed the stars. He could not believe how pretty they were. We decided to make a wish on a star. So we said the little star wishing poem, "Star light star bright first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Henry's wish, "I wish that we all stay together forever and always love each other."
We hugged and headed inside to brush teeth and go to bed. Mid-brush he realized that he had another wish for the star tonight. We ran back outside. Said the poem. Henry's wish, "I wish that there were no mosquitoes or ants in or around our house." We headed back into the living room only for Henry to realize that he had yet another 2 wishes. The first one was that the trees would start to change to orange, yellow and blue tomorrow. The second was that everyone have sufficient (his word) air and water and to help the Earth stay healthy and green.

Uncle John, Wade's brother, got married on Saturday. I explained to Henry that we wouldn't see John for a little while because he was going on a honeymoon. "What's a honeymoon?" Henry asked. "Well, it is a vacation that two people that just got married take to spend time together." That seemed to satisfy his curiosity. Then, that night when Henry and I were saying our bed time prayers, Henry said, "Take care of Uncle John and Lydia on their honeymoon. And help Uncle John to find lots of honey on the moon."

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