Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekly Update 10.10.10

A self-portrait by Henry B Kelly.

Happy 10-10-10 blog friends. This week and weekend were jammed packed again. But that's okay, we had a great time. The week was busy with the normal shenanigans of the Kelly household. Laurie worked 12 hour days to close month end and survived another week at school. Wade put the final touches on his EP. Henry had fun at school and with Gigi and Grandpa. Overall, I'd say we were a pretty productive bunch. But then the weekend came and the fun really began. For starters Mama and Papa went on their first date in 4 years. It took a little while for us to get the hang of it. We had a few moments where we slipped into Parent Mode and started talking about schedules and winter clothes...but for the most part we kept the conversation "date-ish" and by the end of the night I think we both felt rejuvenated and ready for the next date night. Hopefully it will not take another 4 years. Henry got to spend the night at Gigi and Grandpa's, something that he has been talking about doing for months. I hear he had a great time. I know he ate pizza and stayed up until 10. I imagine there were some sweet treats in there, but I've learned to not ask too many questions :) He suggested that he spend every Friday with Gigi and Grandpa. We haven't heard back from them about that...humm... Anyway, Saturday morning Mama worked, Henry played and at noon we headed to the LCNS FALL FESTIVAL. Which is basically a mini-carnival. Our school is the cutest school on Earth already, but with balloons, well it's just almost more than I can take. Henry helped make the signs and was very excited about the treasure hunt. It was our first stop. I think he walked away with 3 spider rings, 2 pumpkin erasers and a page of unicorn stickers. Not a bad haul. After that we headed to get his face painted. He requested a tiger. And not just a face on his cheek, he wanted to be a tiger. Julia's Dad did an excellent job. Unfortunately, a tiger face is no match for 2 hours in a jumpy castle. But before we got busy jumping we picked up a green balloon dog and a green sprinkle cupcake.

And we got busy dancing to the Minivans! (Henry isn't actually in this picture because he will not dance in public anymore. Very sad. But he was still feeling it, even as a wall flower.)

I love this picture because Rachel is actually down talking to her preschooler and playing the guitar at the same time. Ahhh parenthood. Personally I'm amazed she could do it. If only we could all be so talented. Next stop, the bouncy castle. It took some persuading to get Henry in there because just as he was taking his shoes off a little girl climbed out crying. He thought that kids were going in healthy and coming out with broken limbs. But we finally convinced him and I have never seen a mind change so quickly. One jump is all it took. This picture looks incriminating but I promise Henry did not just knock down those kids. The tiger face post 2 hours of jumping. Henry closed the place down in that bouncy castle. (This picture also reminds me how tall our child is. Now I know why people don't believe me when I say that he is 4.)
Today was equally as fun. Henry, Gigi, Kelly and I headed out to Pendletons to check out the butterfly Bio-villa. Like any good trip to a farm, there was a hayride. Henry, once again, gave me the one eye smile.

Then we headed inside the bio-villa. Lots of butterflies. The yellow ones were Henry's favorites.
The obligatory photo opt. Henry's head has been too big for these things since he was about 3 years old.
Next, the cool stuff. Like riding tricycles that can go off-road and ram into things.
And Aunts that will play along.

And a little squash catapulting. Way more fun then you would imagine.
After that it was back home for a long soccer game with Papa while Mama went to work AGAIN and a spaghetti dinner followed by an early bed time. Next week is going to be a busy one. Wade helps at school on Monday and I get to do field research in a stream. Tuesday is our 8 year wedding anniversary which we share with the birthday of my beautiful Mom. Wednesday Wade has a show in KC. On Friday we are going to an amusement park with Kelly and Cooper. And then on Sunday we are all going to poop out and be lazy all day long. Yeah right. Anyway hope your week is great. Henry should have some school pictures to check out pretty soon. And we have some great pictures from John and Lydia's wedding a couple of weeks ago. The little man managed to not give the photographer the squint eye. So grateful for that :) Click here if you want to get a preview. Anyway, have a great week!

ps I apologize for my inability to remain consistantly in either the first person or the third person for an entire paragraph. I also apologize for my lack of commas, not using spellcheck, and other grammatical mishaps. I'm throwing this post up at lightening speed so that I can get back to studying.

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