Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week 2

So many people have been asking about Henry's preschool and I have been very bad about responding to your emails...sorry guys. He does love it and there are a lot of ways that friends and family can get involved (including a 5K run in the spring...) and I promise to write you all back and give more details than I have given on the blog just for privacy sake.

I had one of my first official "parent of a school age child" moments on Tuesday when I had to call the school to tell them that Henry was sick and not coming to school. It was very funny to be the one calling in. I can't tell you the number of times I dreamed about being able to do that for myself in high school. My friends and I would call each other to practice our Mom's voices just in case we ever got up the courage to call in sick. I never did. Anyway. Everyone said "Oh he is going to get sick a lot when he starts because he has not spent much time around other kids” and we pooh-poohed saying that we would wash his hands a lot or claiming that all the green leafy veggies would protect him…One week in and he already has his first cold. It’s not a bad cold but I did spend most of the weekend on fever patrol (basically getting up every hour to check his forehead, decide that it is hot and then attempt to take his temperature without waking him and then waking him up and getting grumped at from the kid (and from the husband) then defending myself with claims that he had a high fever but then refusing to give him any medicine because I hate medicating him). The snot situation was so excessive on Tuesday that I decided he should not go to school. It was funny, I called the teacher and then Henry came over and grabbed the phone as said “Miss Murray (not his teachers name but the name of a teacher from one of his books) um yeah dis is Henry. I am sick on dis day and cannot come to school but I will come again on Saturday.” His teacher was a good sport about it. I think I’ll ask her tomorrow if that was the first time that a kid actually called himself in and then made arrangements to make up the day over the weekend :)

But the really great part about Henry missing school was that we got to spend Tuesday morning playing with his trains in the living room while watching the inauguration of our 44th president. Thrilling! I did learn that it is very hard to explain to a 3 year old why it is that you are crying because you are happy. Henry checked on me several times through out the morning “Is you sad Mama or is you happy? Do you need a hug? It’s okay Mama. Don’t be sad. Here you can nuzzle with puppy.”

Henry is asking so many questions these days, it is really fun and sometimes quite a challenge. Like a few weeks ago when he asked “Why do people eat animals?” To which I responded “Let’s ask Papa.” :) Yesterday morning he asked me what a buffalo looks like, what it means to eject something, what does the president do, why do babies live in the Mama’s tummy, why is it not good to stick your finger in your eye, what are belly buttons used for and how come birds fly south for the winter. Good stuff. Kids pick up on so much. But I have to say the best was this morning when I took Henry’s old car seat out of the car and replaced it with a new booster seat and Henry told us, without any prompting, “Now we can put dis old car seat here for my little brodder who is a baby.”

1 comment:

Q said...

Thanks for the update...He is growing up so fast.
He is a regular kid now.
Aunt Sherry