Friday, January 16, 2009

Week 1

Henry’s first week at preschool went really well. He has a couple minor issues regarding how to play with other kids. But his teachers tell us that he is a good listener so they think they he will learn those social skills quickly. He also had a little trouble with sitting still during circle time but, again, listened well and followed instructions when the teacher told him her expectations. On Thursday I came to pick him up and Miss Stephanie told me that Henry had some great dance moves. Apparently they were singing in circle time and Henry hopped up and said “you wanna see some moves? Yook at dis.” And then he proceeded to shake, kick and jump around like only a 3 year old boy can do. After the impromptu performance Miss Stephanie said “Henry you are a great dancer. You are funny too, making everyone laugh.” And Henry said “Yeah. I crack myself up.” His teacher described the kids in his class as “a gentle, mellow group” I am thinking that our little bean is going to shake things up a bit.

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