Thursday, November 01, 2007

Bad day

Last night in the bath Henry told me that he had a bad day. Here is how it went down

M: Henry please pick up your animals so that you can get out of the bath.
H: Nope
M: Henry it is time to get out of the bath. The water is almost gone and you are going to get cold.
H: Nope
M: Do you want Mama to help you pick up?
H: No Mama.
M: Okay, we will wait then until you are ready to pick them up and get out.
H: Sigh Bad day Mama.
M: What? Did you have a bad day?
H: Uh-huh, bad day.
M: Because you have to pick up your animals?
H: Yes Mama.
M: I am sorry that you are having a bad day.
He sits for a minute
H: Okay. Better. Better Mama.
He picks up his toys and tells me
H: No more bad day. Hug?
and hops out of the tub and I get a big (and wet) hug.

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