Tuesday, October 02, 2007

You just never know

I know quite a few parents that are dealing with what I call "chicken nugget" children. These are the 3 and 4 and possibly 5, 6, and 7 year olds that will only eat chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and will only drink juice. This is something I have really worked hard to avoid with Henry. I am constantly throwing new foods at him and trying old ones that he wasn't too sure about. There have been a few surprises along the way but I think I can say with confidence that he is not a chicken nugget child.

His recent favorite foods that surprised his parents-
Salad (He eats one every night)
Veggie burgers (His favorite is made out of brown rice, bulgar, carrots, spinach, and other veggies)
Bok choy

Oldies that surprise me every time-
Black olives
Coffee (although he only gets a taste of Gigi's decaf)

Foods Henry spits out-
Italian dressing
Bananas (unless he is at Gigi's, for some reason he will eat them there)

1 comment:

Alex said...

GrammAlee also spits out banana and avocado. What feels "wrong" in the mouth is often really really wrong if allowed to reach the tummy....

For the record: Bapa was also open to all foods for the first couple of years but became a nugget child as a toddler. It seemed like some kind of declaration of independence or something--we'll see where it goes with Henry.