Monday, October 15, 2007

I was rocking Henry to sleep tonight and after about 10 minutes he settled down with his head on my shoulder. We rocked for a while longer and then I quietly told Henry that it was time for bed-

"Okay, time for night-night" I said.
Henry shook his head but I couldn't tell if it was a nod or a no.
"Baby, time for night-night. Time for Henry's bed."
He nodded again, lifted his head, turned right into my face and whispered
"No way Mama."


Alex said...

And Mama said....

Kelly Family Blog said...

Mama started cracking up and then Henry started cracking up and then we had to start the whole thing over.

miss.supafly said...

oh man, i'm gonna hate it if my [future] kid isn't as awesome as yours.

Q said...

Henry is so adorable....
"No way, Mama" will just have to be a standard now at my house.
"I am so happy you are here" is a Henry phrase I use all the time.
I enjoy coming and seeing Henry and reading your stories.
Blessings and love,
Aunt Sherry