Thursday, May 10, 2007

But they fit in there perfectly

"Dee-doo dee-doo dee-doo...choo-choo choo-choo..." Henry sang on the way to my parents house this morning. About half way there he started saying "eh, eh, eh", I moved the mirror to see what he was up to.

"Henry, please take your finger out of your nose."

Smiles...a few seconds later "eh, eh, eh"

"Baby please take your finger out of your nose." I reach back, pull the finger out of his nostril, and hold his arm down for a second.

"Eh, eh, eh"...the other finger is in his nose.

"Henry no-no. Take your finger out of your nose." I grab the other arm and bring it down.

We drive for a minute.

"Bingers, bingers, bingggers!"

I look back. Henry is showing me his fingers, wiggling them up above his head.

"Yes, fingers, good job."

Drive a minute.

" bingers, no-no" I look back and both fingers are in his nose, one in each nostril.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Are you having this caliber of conversation with anyone else in the world? What a wonder, Sir Henry!