Saturday, April 07, 2007

No children are hurt in this story

Admittedly, Wade and I have limited knowledge of what is considered "typical" toddler behavior, however, occasionally Henry will do something that we are certain a one year old should not be doing. Usually when something like this takes place one of us will say "you should put that on the blog" and usually it goes unblogged, but yesterday Henry did something so amazing (in the eyes of his parents, at least) that I felt it worth revisiting this afternoon.

I have a house plant that has grown so enormous that I have had to tie a string from the ceiling down around the top of the plant to support it's enormous limbs from breaking or falling over. While this is a practical solution for the enormous house plant, having a tree in your living room that looks like it is in traction is not particularly attractive. So, yesterday I decided to cut the tops of the limbs off, put them in some water to grow new roots and eventually re pot. Henry was busy with his trucks on the floor so I grabbed some scissors and started trimming. Someone knocked on the door and Henry popped up and ran over. I sat the scissors down on table and followed him. It was Gloria, our mailwoman, kindly delivering an Easter package for Henry that was sent to our old address. Once we got back inside I sat on the living room floor and said "Henry, let's get into this package and see what you got." He started to sit down next to me and peel off the tape but before his tiny sweet buns hit the floor he hopped back up, walked over to the table, grabbed the scissors, walked back across the room, handed them to me and sat down. Has he ever seen scissors? Has he ever used scissors (gasp)? Have we opened enough packages in front of him, with scissors, that he just picked that concept up? These are the questions I asked both my Mom and Wade when I called them immediately after this incident. No one is confessing to Henry's apparent training on speedy package unwrapping so it remains a mystery. -L

*Note: Spellcheck marked "mailwoman" as a miss spelling and gave me two options to correct it- Mailman or Madwoman. Gloria is neither.


Alex said...

Well, you know I didn't teach him anything about scissors or opening packages... But speaking as the mother of a gifted son (actually, Wade was 'over' the gifted program I enrolled him in after two or three visits. I think the program was overly impressed with itself and giftedness generally. Wade was almost always completely comfortable with his specialness...)I would say I am delighted to also be the grandmother of the next generation of Wonder Boys.

It is precisely this kind of occurrence, I might add, that leads some to believe in past lives.

miss.supafly said...

I love this post! I especially love the last part about the "spelling error." ~mary.c