Friday, December 07, 2012


The Bean is seven.  Seven!  It feels like a big deal.  Like, it could be the biggest birthday since one.  I'm not sure why but, for me, 7 is a milestone.  It's just full on little boy time.  No baby bits left at all.  Hand dimples: gone.  Neck: fully grown in.  Chubby cheeks: see ya.  And it's not just the physical changes that I notice with Henry.  He is really pushing for his independence right now and he is showing all the obnoxious little boy tendencies.  Farts have never been funnier.  His fingernails are always dirty.  He loves to throw thing, break things, build things and talk about gross things...He's loud and silly and physical.  But in true Henry fashion he is also so much more than that.  He's sensitive and loving and unsure sometimes.  He's a joy and he's growing up so fast.

So for this seven year old's big day we started with his favorite, Rudy's pizza.  He sat at the head of the table and didn't even have to eat a salad with his pizza.  A first in our house.  Then we headed off for bowling.  Henry loves to bowl.  Uncle Sergio won, but a good time was had by all.  After that we headed to Gigi and Grandpa's for cake, ice cream and a good old chili cook off.  Uncle Sergio and the boys won that also, but the girls put up a good fight.  Henry opened his gifts and made a volcano, built a hero guy and played Angry Birds.  Then Papa, Mama, and Aunt Kelly took him on in a basketball game.  He's a pretty good shot people.  
He requested lemon cake with lemon icing and birthday cake ice cream sandwiches.  He wouldn't tell me what he wished for.                                                                                                                             

 Aunt Annie and Uncle Sergio gave him a circuit builder that he has been playing with for weeks. 

By the time we got home everyone was exhausted. 

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