Monday, December 17, 2012


We had a quiet week and weekend.  Henry stayed home from school on Friday with a sore throat.  He was down all day and pretty slow on Saturday but by Sunday he seemed to be feeling better.  He spent a hour with Aunt Kelly playing video games and then went with this Uncle John for a late birthday gift.  John has a friend that runs the video projector at the KU Union movie theater so he took Henry to watch one of his favorite movies with the theater all to themselves.  I think he had a pretty good time.  They played tag and explored the projector room.  Henry loves being with John.  He came home in a great mood, despite his lingering cold. 
Georgia also seems to be a bit under the weather.  But it takes a pretty serious cold to slow her down.  She was busy exploring and hiding behind the Christmas tree and just generally getting in to things in her usual style. 
This week and weekend we finished up our Christmas shopping and finished decorating the house.  I have a few projects to finish; gifts for my sisters and Georgia and Willem, but I feel pretty good about where we are at with being prepared for the big day.  I really hope to make it as magical and special for Henry and G as it was for me when I was a kid.  I loved Christmas. 

I have to say one more thing.  We had a difficult week in our country and there are a lot of parents that do not get to spend the holiday with their children.  It's heartbreaking.  I'm holding my babies a little closer, giving extra kisses, playing a little longer and slowing down to enjoy my family every day.  Keep your loved ones close. 

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