Monday, June 25, 2012

June Update

 GEORGIA: 7 Months Old! 
It's hard to believe that Georgia is already 7 months old.  We are having so much fun getting to know her little personality and watching her learn and grow.  This month she has two bottom teeth cutting through.  Her hair continues to fall out on the sides, leaving an ever thinning mohawk of dark brown hair in the middle. The hair on the sides is lighter than her baby hair but I don't think that she is going to have white blond hair like Henry did. She has major personality these days.  She is talking all the time, baba's and dadada's.  She yells at people to get their attention, not a cry yell but a "Hey I'm over here" yell.  She cracks up when Henry plays peek-a-boo and watches him intently when he is playing or dancing.  She is very interested in anything he is doing. 
She is not, however, remotely interested in eating solid foods.  We've shoveling prunes in her because once she started eating solid foods she quit pooping (TMI, I know, but we live it every day) and they are about the only solid food she likes at this point. So her diet is primarily prunes and milk.  The sleeping situation has not improved.  I was reading Henry's baby book over the weekend and saw that at this age he was napping 2 times a day, 2 hours each and sleeping 10 hours at night.  Georgia is not on any kind of schedule.  She takes 2-3, 15 minute-2 hour naps every day.  She sleep from about 8-1 am pretty well but then is up every hour from 1-5.  After I feed her at 5 she will usually sleep until 8. 
She's on the verge of crawling but for now can really only pull off her own  version of the worm.  She is determined little one and will do the same thing over and over again until she figures it out and when she can't figure it out she gets visibly frustrated.  But at the same time she is super friendly and smiley. 
HENRY: Got a haircut!  He is enjoying his summer break.  He started swimming lessons last week and got a haircut on Saturday.  His first real haircut.  He and I created a bucket list and we have been slowing crossing things off.  This past month we went to Lego Land, threw a Frisbee and went swimming. 
Our garden is doing great and Henry is a huge help.  He's a weeding machine.  We let a zucchini go a little too long this past week, looks like we are going be baking a lot of zucchini bread this week.
Grandpa has officially retired and I think it is safe for me to say that he has become Henry's favorite playmate.  The guys have a great time planning parties, treasure hunts, making recipe books and shooting baskets.  It has been really fun to see their bond grow stronger. 

WADE: Is picking up the car.  You may have noticed that we have been a little lazy on the blog over the past few months.  Well, that's partly because we have a new baby and life is crazy (and we're sleepy) but it's also because one of the main people that we do the blog for, Wade's Nana, passed away in February.  Nana loved the blog and she was the main reason that we kept it up.  I've wanted to write a tribute to her on the blog but can't seem to pull myself together enough to make it happen.  I'll just say this, Fannie was a beautiful person.  She loved unconditionally.  She supported Wade in every part of his life.  She loved us without judgement or criticism.  Her relationship with Wade is what I hope to have with my grand kids and what I am trying to encourage with my children and my parents.  We loved her so much and think about her every day. 
Anyway, Nana was incredibly generous and she gave us yet another gift when she left her car to Wade.  He is going this week to pick it up.  He also has been playing music with two bands and it really enjoying it and learning a lot about himself as he goes. 

LAURIE: doesn't sleep.  Georgia has me up most of the night so I have to admit, I haven't been up to much.  I spent my time working, feeding the baby, playing with Henry and every once and a while sneaking in a few minutes to read a book or sew something.  My sister Annie was in town this past week and we got to spend a lot of time with her, including going to Lego Land (which Henry LOVED).  I have such amazing sisters.

Anyway, that's what we've had going on this month.  I'm going to try to blog more often and I think I will post Georgia's past monthly photos and the stats from her doctors visits, just so we have them saved somewhere other than facebook.  So you might see some old posts before you see the next new one.  Hope you're having a great summer.

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