Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monthly Update 1.22.12

Georgia had to her two month appointment this week. She got her shots, which she DID NOT LIKE, but she tolerated well: no fever just lots of sleeping and frowning at Mama. She is 12.9 lbs (90th percentile) and 23 inches long (75th percentile), so she's a big girl. Got a great report from the doctor so we are not going back for 2 months.
She is such a fun baby. She's even tempered and sweet. She loves to snuggle and is interesting in everything going on around her. She doesn't fuss much, unless she gets over tired and then she is a bear to settle down. She smiles a lot, especially when she nurses and at her brother.
Life with a newborn has been chaotic. Our house is a mess, dinners are fast and we don't get to play with Henry as often as we'd like to, but everyone seems to be adjusting well.
Henry has had another great semester at school. He had his second perfect report card last week and is being invited to birthday parties and having friend over all the time. He thinks his sister is pretty great, even if she doesn't do much. He loves to be in on every diaper change (mostly to comment on how huge the poop was) and every smile or baby cooing session, he wants to be a part of it all. He's been doing more things by himself. This morning we found him reading in bed instead of getting up to watch cartoons. He loves drawing mazes for Papa and I to complete and robots.
Well it sounds like the baby is waking up. I'll try to post more photos later.

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