Saturday we headed out to Mass St for the band day parade. I was super excited that I remembered my camera until I realized that Henry was making this face for every photograph. I'm not sure what that's about.
School is going great. Maybe a little too great. When I came to pick him up today he walked over with a smile that I haven't seen before. I quickly found out that Elsa gave him two kisses on his cheek today and that he was feeling VERY romantic. Oh dear. He is walking around the house spelling words and speaking in Spanish and singing silly kid songs that all of us sang in grade school (trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat). He has been making mazes for Wade and I and I have to admit, they are pretty tough.
Work has been crazy for Wade so he has been working a TON. That's about all I have to say about it. Nobody likes it when Papa isn't home.
Laura + Baby:
We are doing pretty well. I had my 29 week appointment last week and everything checked out great. The baby's heart rate was 140 and I'm measuring right on track. The doctor gave me the paperwork to register at the hospital which threw me for a loop. Time is just going so fast with this pregnancy. I guess we are almost to week 30, counting down to single digit weeks. The baby is kicking a lot. Big kicks and little tickles. She likes to get going around 3 am and keeps going on and off until my alarm goes off at 5 (hence my lack of sleep last night). But I'm not complaining, I love those little wiggles. Well, maybe not the ones that involve her using my bladder as a trampoline, but all the other ones.
Well, I guess that's all I have for this week. Henry is hanging on my arm asking me every 2 minutes if I am done yet and it's driving me bonkers, plus he keeps wiping his nose on my arm. Little boys are gross (oh great he just read that now he is licking my arm. Seriously.)
Have a great week.
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