Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekly Update 3.13.11

At 7:14 am I tiptoed to the kitchen. Quiet as a mouse I made a pot of coffee. I had a vision of sitting the back bedroom, sipping coffee and quickly downloading the photos from the week to throw together a blog post. Then I would move over to my sewing machine and put together my last square for my quilt and work on the embroidered robot that I am making for Henry's Easter basket. I poured my coffee, let the cat out, opened the window just a crack and turned on the computer. The house was silent. Well mostly silent except for the sound of little footsteps. I figured it was just the cat and then I remembered that the cat just went outside. Then I heard someone say, "I just feel like getting some paper and drawing. I just want to draw my dream and then go out for a bike ride and then eat some breakfast and then play some soccer and then dig in the dirt and make you a mud cookie. Mama, are you ready to go?" So much for my plans. But I'm stubborn so I gave him his paper and markers and sat him at my sewing table to draw his dream. He's been talking pretty much constantly since he walked in the door. He told me his dream and asks me to take a peak at his drawing every 30 seconds. It's driving me a little nutty, so let's speed this along.
The weather is wonderful right now. We've been working outside all weekend. Well, when we weren't watching the Jayhawks win the Big 12. ROCK CHALK. Anyway, Papa pitched the old baby swing yesterday and threw together a disk swing big enough for kids and adults.
Wade also single-handedly took apart the little play house in our back yard and rolled the base of it to the front yard to be the bottom of Henry's tree house. Then he got the outline for our garden set up. Henry has picked the one on the left for his garden. He's interested in planting root beer plants, strawberries, blueberries, garlic, carrots and red bell peppers.

But the main thing Henry is in to right now is Angry Birds. I made the mistake of getting the game for him on my phone and I haven't made a phone call for 6 days. Just kidding :) What I love about Henry and Angry Birds is that he can only play for a few minutes and then he gets the urge to "make a level" which means he wants to draw out his version of what he just played and then have me pretend to play it. We have a busy week ahead of us and are looking forward to lots of warm weather and Jayhawk basketball. Have a good one.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Hi Laura!

I haven't checked in a while, so I just got caught up. Weekly, monthly, whatever, keep them coming...I still love reading your posts and looking at your photos! You guys are wonderful people and parents.

Lots of love!