It snowed! Henry had 2 snow days this week and, actually, we were really happy because he needed those days off to recover from stomach flu. The poor kid had stomach flu for over a WEEK! We were all feeling pretty exhausted and worried for him by mid-week. Not only was he not feeling well but he also just seemed really sad and worried about it. Our boy is a sensitive little guy, I really learned that this past week. But I could tell that things were looking up when, on Wednesday, I picked him up at Gigi's and he handed me an envelope with Aunt Kelly's address on the front. "What is this?" I asked. "It's an invitation to my party. My HENRY IS FEELING BETTER AND DOES NOT HAVE A SICKNESS ANYMORE PARTY." At my party we are going to eat pizza and decorate our own chocolate cupcakes. And so we did...
We also blew up 8 balloons for each room in the house and played balloon games. This was a balancing the balloon on the top of your head game, created by Grandpa. Papa cheated. And then there was sledding. It started in our yard and then ended with several hours of sledding down the biggest hills we could find in town. Henry loved crashing. He loved bailing off the sled mid-way down the hill. He and Papa when down one particularly steep hill and actually went into the air for a second. It was great. We are hoping for many more snow days this winter.
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