Monday, August 23, 2010

Weekly Update 8/22/10: Mini Version

And so begins Henry's last year of preschool and Laurie's last semester of college.
This is going to be a quick update folks. We are fully immersed in the chaos of school and work, so much so that I only have a few minutes to post. 5 day preschool seems to be going well. Henry has some buddies and is having fun. He obviously (see above) is growing like a weed. At this point he is mostly just legs and a blond puff. He has grown 3 inches and a whole shoe sizes since May 31. We ran into a friend at the grocery store this weekend and she asked Henry how old he is now. His response, "4 and 3/4 plus 3 inches."
On Saturday Henry went downtown with Papa and Rachel and Estrella and they put up fliers for his show this week. Henry really likes Estrella. They are close to the same age and Henry loves holding her hand. After their visit downtown Henry said "Well, I have 4 girlfriends now and the good news is that when I get to 5 we are going to have a parrrr-teee." Ridiculous.
I spent most of Sunday in the kitchen preparing for the week. I feel like the only way that we are going to get through the next 15 weeks of me being on campus 9 hours a week, plus my full time job and Henry in school every day, plus Wade playing 3 shows in the next month (whew!) is for us to be super prepared. I am trying to make some dinners to freeze for busy nights, plus get all of my beans soaked and my tomato sauce made so that I don't even have to think about those things during the week. Speaking of tomatoes, heirloom cherry tomatoes are one of the only things that make mid-August in Kansas bearable. I grabbed two pints at the farmers market this weekend. Yum. While I was busy stocking up the freezer like we were about to be snowed in, Wade and Henry made plans to shoot some hoops at the park down the street. It was hot but Henry was ready for action. I acted as ball chaser/paparazzi while the boys played. We also hung a Henry "H" above his bed. Here is he pretending to sleep. Enjoy the rest of the week blog peeps.

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