Sunday, March 07, 2010


Wade injured his back on Friday and has been totally out of commission. So this weekend it has pretty much just been me and the little bean (with a few hours of back up assistance from the Amazing Gigi and Grandpa). I really don't know how single parents do it. I realized at about 8:00 tonight that I haven't showered all weekend. My house is still a mess. I spent about $60.00 more than I usually do at the grocery store because I am too easily persuaded to buy things like a Tigger electric toothbrush or a box of sidewalk chalk the size of a loaf of bread. I had at least 2 mini-breakdowns and made more baked goods then any family of three could ever eat (stress baking, passed down from my Mom). But there were plenty of good moments too. The kid is always changing. It blows my mind. Here are a few of my favorite Henry quotes:

On the radio we hear a song that says "You're hot and your cold, you're yes and you're no...."-
H: Mama she says yes when she means no. M: I heard that. That's silly. H: No Mama, that not silly, that is Frustrating!

On a bike ride-
M: Why are you riding so slow kiddo?
H: It's a beautiful day, Mama. I HAVE to ride slow so I can see all of it.

Unloading groceries at the store-
M: Henry those are too heavy, why don't you get the light stuff?
H: No Mama. I will lift the heavy stuff so that you don't have to.

Sitting in the sunshine with the cats-
H: Cats have good ideas. I think people should sit in the sunshine every day too.

1 comment:

Missy Allets said...

He is a dear, dear kid :)