Saturday, February 13, 2010

The good stuff

Last weekend as we sat around our dining room table eating dinner, Wade was what we call in our house "actin' a fool", which basically means slapstick humor, funny faces, falling out of his chair...if you know him then you know exactly what I am talking about. Henry was cracking up. Pink cheeked, food leaking out of his mouth, incredibly loud laughter...if you know him then you will also know exactly what I am talking about. It was one of those wonderful moments as a parent when you look around at the life you are trying to create and feel a sense of pride and immense joy. Of course, Henry then began the difficult task of trying to follow-up Papa's jokes with some of his own, which mainly consisted of him mimicking the things that Papa did. One of his jokes was "You know what's a good joke? You are." Of course he did not mean it in the way that grown-ups take it, which is what made it so funny. The best part was every time he would make a joke he would throw his slice of pizza down on his plate in victory. Like -"Yeah, I know that was a good one". Awesome.

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