Friday, November 13, 2009


Are you ready for this? Because I'm not. But I learned over the past 4 years that you can't slow it down so you just have to try to pay attention and enjoy every day. So...our boy is almost 4. I'm a little sad about it because I have just LOVED 3. I could do 3 for years. 3 is good. I'll probably feel the same way about 4 when 5 comes, but for now I am just missing 3. Henry is tall! 89th percentile in height according to his check up today. In his typical style he answered all the nurses questions, sometimes a little too thoroughly. For example he showed her that he could hop on one foot. When asked if he could throw a ball he went into a 5 minute story about hitting a home run into the street earlier today. "Does he know 2 or 3 colors?" was met with Henry pointing out every color in the room (and it was a colorful room). She chuckled and said "Okay so he is definitely using 4-5 word sentences." Since we already had the swine flu there was no need for shots even though Henry was prepared for a flu shot. He told me in the car on the way to the doctors office- "Mama, "I would rather get a shot then have the flu." In the end we decided not to get the flu shot even though he really did have a compelling argument for it.

This week we also got a wonderful report from his teacher at parent teacher conferences this week. Henry is doing great. He is really growing confidence in his social life. He has several new friends- Murphy, Sophia, Charlie, Ruby and Oren and brings home piles of beautiful artwork every day.

This fall he is really interested in collecting fallen leaves (he refers to himself as a leaf fiend), reading, drawing pictures of machines, building machines around the house, riding his bike and pretending. We live in a magical world right now. Every day, every activity, involves some imaginary play. It is amazing to see how quickly and with such ease children are able to move into the imaginary world. How do we lose this as adults?

We are really looking forward to the holiday season. Hopefully we will get to spend it with some of you guys. Lots of love. :)

1 comment:

Lisa Diane: Photographer Mom said...

How do you tell stories and remember quotes with such detail??? I can never do that, the stuff Julian says gets lost in the filter of life as quick as I can say "I have to remember that!"

The other day I was watching in wonder as Julian entertained himself on the floor driving his cars over his head and talking to himself completely lost in his imaginary play...and I concure...I find myself remembering how it felt so wonderful to be in that kind of play and how I couldn't wait to be alone to play...sometimes growing up just sucks.

Thank you for remembering so accurately--for all of us "grown-ups"