Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bean news

Henry grew ½ an inch this month. 2 ½ inches in the past year. His feet grew 3 sizes and his size 4T pj pants are fitting more like capri’s than full length pants. He is tall and skinny and his blond hair is slowly getting darker. He had a great summer at school but lately his good feelings about school seem to come and go. It’s a new class and most of the kids are younger than him. He helps the new kids understand what is expected of them at school, but good buddies are hard to find in this age group. Lots of parallel play. In spring he will move to the pre-kindergarten group which I think he will really enjoy. Today he didn’t want to go to school. He said that he needed the day off. I think that might have had to do with the fact that we were out last night until after his bed time so he didn’t get any at home time all day. He is a kid that really needs at home time. He’s a homebody, just like his parents. Last night we went to a restaurant opening for my cousin Shawn's new restaurant in Baldwin City. It was an adventure and Henry was up for it. He thrives on being in new places and seeing new things. His favorite part of the night was exploring the restaurant, inside and out. He ran around the building at least 15 times. He loves to wrestle and ride his bike. He loves being read to and can only last about a half an hour in front of the TV before he gets antsy and is ready to play. Which is okay with us, we don’t really like watching TV either. He seems to be getting a little pickier about his food but he will at least try anything that I put on his plate. He is counting down the days until his birthday and tells me that he cannot stop getting bigger and bigger and that he will snuggle with me until he is 10 and then after that I will only get hugs and kisses at night-night time. He has a lot to say on just about every topic and is very conversational, frequently inserting common phrases into his conversation, sometimes correctly and sometimes not . Yesterday we asked Grandma Ginny (Gigi) if she had any basil, which of course she did. Henry said to me “Oh that Gigi. She never fails me.” He knows how to write all of his letters and a few words. He is working on his numbers but gets stuck in the 20’s. He writes his numbers from right to left on the page, sometimes backwards. Over the long weekend we played some t-ball, practiced running the bases and throwing overhand. The rules of the game changed quickly with Henry explaining “Okay now Mama yoooou run to dis base and I will run to dat base and den we can jump 3 times and then I will throw the ball into dis cup and put the bat up in dis tree and then you get the bat and….” well you get the idea. He likes to be in charge. He remembers EVERYTHING but mostly just repeats the stuff you were hoping that he did not hear. He is going to be a robot for Halloween.


Anonymous said...

AH it was so good to check in and see what's been shakin' at the the bean household! Of course I had to go to Stillwater Minnesota (we're here for a wedding celebration) to get on a computer. As always, Henry continues to amaze. Thanks for keeping such a beautiful, creative diary. I've updated Jason on Henry's latest one-liners. When are you coming out to Colorado?? Love you guys heaps!

Lisa Diane: Photographer Mom said...

I know what you mean...Julian is wearing almost all 5T's...which means the "little boy section" is calling his name. When I look at our wedding photos a year ago and think I could carry him all I would break my back if I could get him on my hip in the first place.

So...Ashley is going to Jamaica and we pick Julian up this Wednesday night and have him for eight days...until halloween weekend. We would like to have Henry over to play...maybe even plan a couple of play-dates.

Give me a call with what works for you...Henry can even come here after school one day if that is one way to swing things...let me know. 979-274

Lisa Diane: Photographer Mom said...


natalie said...

thanks for the update! i haven't seen henry in quite a while, but i feel like i haven't missed a beat when i check the blog and read your great little stories. he is growing so fast - i think you two are doing a great job with him :)
