Sunday, March 08, 2009

Washed Away

We are all feeling better now. We all lost a little weight from not eating much for a few days, but Henry is making up for lost time. This kid has not stopped eating for the last four days. He is eating every 2 hours at this point. All day long. He is breaking his personal records for food consumption left and right. He had 4 adult-sized pancakes, two pieces of fake bacon, three strawberries, a half a grapefruit and a glass of juice for breakfast...and was hungry way before lunch. We are going through fruit, granola bars, and goldfish crackers like they're going out of style. He now even has an AFTER dinner snack before bed. We are getting a glimpse of what our lives are going to be like in about eleven years.

As to his ongoing discourse on life and nature with us, he most recently talked to Laura about the thunderstorm last night.

Henry - Mama, do you remember that storm last night?
Mama - Uh huh.

H - Well, there was big normal thunder and damper thunder.
M - What do you mean?

H - Some was big and some was damper.
M - Oh. (still not getting it) Okay sugarbear.

Then Mama remembered what Henry knows of pianos...and their pedals. There are three. One is for softening, one for muting, and one (perhaps his favorite?) for damping or sustaining. Although he isn't quite accurate, Henry believes the one for damping makes the sound of the piano more quiet. Henry was once again using his vocabulary in new and inventive ways, this time to describe the difference between soft thunder and loud thunder.

Or maybe he really meant that some thunder lasts longer than others...hmmm. We'll never know.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That's amazing! Glad the family is alive and well...and happy to see Henry peddling away with such seriousness the other day!