Sunday, December 07, 2008

ER visit # 2

We made our second trip in 3 years to the ER yesterday. Henry spiked a 102 fever (according to my, apparently, crappy ear thermometer that is currently in with Henry's play doctors kit) and started complaining about pain in his abdomen. His mood changed so quickly from running and playing to asking if he could just lay down on the floor right here and take a little nap, that Wade and I grabbed him and sped to the ER. We were happy to learn that the appendix is on the right side (Henry's pain was on the left and yes I have been studying biology for years and probably should have known that but it was a very stressful situation...and besides my degree is in Ecology..not human biology...anyway...). He looked terrible at the hospital but by the time the doctor got there he was talking a little more and his eyes were more than half way open so we started to relax a bit. The doctor looked him over and said he thought that he might have a virus and to give him ibuprofen and keep an eye on him. His temperature at the hospital was only 99.7, so that is why the ear thermometer is now a toy. Today he has been pretty normal. Susie came over and he spent about 5 minutes walking in circles around her and talking non-stop so we are thinking that he is feeling a little better.
Let's just do a quick round up of medical situation that made Henry's parents want to start drinking-

Choking when he was 1 day old- All the doctors on the peds floor
Head CT- Children's Mercy Hospital visit
Split open forehead- ER visit
Removal of stitches- Doctor's visit
Ringworm on his head- Doctor's visit
Chipped tooth- Dentist visit
Possible ruptured appendix on the left side of his body, a medical first but completely plausible in the mind of a frantic parent- ER visit

Also, 2 "grab the kid and run to the car" near ER visits involving a possibly broken wrist and tooth through the lip.

It is moments like these that leave me feeling certain that Henry will be an only child :)
*Just kidding Mom. And Emily.

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