Friday, May 23, 2008

A new world

Henry's imagination is blossoming. In fact, it is growing so fast we can barely keep up with it. Yesterday morning as he galloped around the room, he told me "I'm a cowboy riding over the choo-choo tracks." "Where are you going Henry?" I asked. "I'm going to the beach. Bye." and he galloped into the dining room. After a few trips around the table he headed back to me. "Oh hi" I said "Are you back from the beach?" He squinted one eye and looked up at me "No Mama. Arrrrrrrrrr matey. I'm a pirate." And he was off again.
In addition to the multiple personalities (smile) Henry also likes to converse with everyone and everything. Trees, cars, flowers, shoes, name it. He will walk up to a car headlight in the parking lot and say "Hello light. How you?" Last night we potted some geraniums for the front porch and Henry was friendly with each plant. "Hello white flower. How you? Good. I smell you flower."

In other news we are gearing up for our vacation. This weekend we are doing all the last minute stuff, which means pretty much everything because in our house we don't plan ahead very well. We need swim trunks and stuff to do in the car. Anyone know any fun car games for kiddos?

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