Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A lesson for Mama

This morning I came out of the shower and found Henry rolling around in my bed with no pants on. This happens a lot in our house. I think Wade and I both feel bad for him in the mornings, after a full 12 hours in a diaper, so we let his back side get a little air whenever we can. This is what happened next.

"Hey....Is that a bare bottom?"

"No Mama, that not bear bottom. That Henme's bottom, I am a boy not a bear. We are people, all people have bottoms. I see you bottom Mama?" He leans over "Whoa! That a big bottom!"


Unknown said...

I keep laughing out loud every time I read that story. And the women at work (several of them mothers of 2 year olds) enjoyed the retelling immensely. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I know Sally, I have been telling anyone that will listen, sometimes twice. Two year old are just so much fun :) I am so glad you and your coworkers enjoyed it.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Henry is so funny! I had never heard him talk as much as he did this past weekend. It was so great to see you and Henry. Wish Wade could have made it.
Megan Chapman