Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Henry

Thank you to everyone that came to his party, sent gifts, cards, emails, love....Henry had a great day. Here are a few photos of the train cake and our house before the big party. I will put the rest of the photos on our flickr account (just click on the link on the right hand side) and will probably have more photos in a couple of days when Susie downloads her photos from the day.


miss.supafly said...

I forgot to say it yesterday, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY HENRY! It looks like you guys gave your little man one awesome b-day! When do I get to come play with his new choo choo -- it sounds neat! ;)

Q said...

Happy Birthday Henry.
He is a charming two year old.
They do seem to grow up quickly.
I enjoy your stories and your photos so very much.
Thank you!
Always a delight.
Aunt Sherry

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday Henry!

He looked very excited about biting into that cake! Looks like a great celebration!

Elvis and I are looking forward to our upcoming visit with the Bean!

Hugs to the little man!

long time coming said...

the party was great!