Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Monster Mash

Henry got a package today from Aunt Susie and Uncle Ted. It was full of Halloween treats-goldfish crackers, gum, animal crackers, stickers and a Halloween Mr. Potatohead. Henry just calls him Meeser Tatoheed. I tried to get Henry to wait to open it until after we could get a hold of Susie and Ted but he just told me "Henwe open it, okay" and tore right in. He is definitely ready to take on his birthday gifts. Thank you Aunt Susie and Uncle Ted. Henry LOVED his package.
Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Susie said...

Yeah! I am so glad he liked his halloween package. I was going to buy my sisters gifts, but then I got sucked in by mr. potato head's ghost costume! Sorry ladies! Give Henry hugs from us. What is he going to be for halloween?