Saturday, October 27, 2007

Little Boy

I took these photos last week. They are scanned in from my 35mm film, so they are a little grainy but I love them too much not to share on the bean blog. He is a little boy!

Some people like to give us a hard time about Henry not looking like his parents. Our response varies depending on how rude they are....but it always surprises me because to me it is easy to tell that this little boy is our kid. And these pictures are evidence of that fact. He is a perfect mixture of his Mama and Papa. In the last picture I think he is just the spitting image of Wade.

1 comment:

miss.supafly said...

Those are great pics! And I totally see both of you in Henry. I don't necessarily see his mama's eyes or his dad's, but at any given time his eyes resemble one or the other of you two.