Monday, September 24, 2007

Coffee time

Henry was making "coffee" this afternoon at Gigi's house. He loves to help Papa make coffee at our house. He pushes the button on the coffee grinder. Then he wants to smell the coffee grinds. Says "Mmmmm". Then he helps Papa pour in the water. Then he pushes the button and everyone has to be quiet until he hears the filter start to click.

Well, at Gigi's the coffee making is a little more free form, especially since it is imaginary. Gigi has a little kitchen for Henry out on the porch and it has a kids size pretend coffee pot and filter holder.

Henry took the pot, held it under the sink and said "Shooooo" as the "water" filled the pot. Then he went over to the coffee machine, pretended to pour the water in, put the pot under the filter, and pushed the button and said "Shh, Mama. Listen." We stood and waited for a minute and then he started making the sound of the filter..."tut tut tut". "YAY!" he said, "Coffee ready."

Then (this is my favorite part) before he could get the coffee the plastic phone rang "wingwing wingwing" he said. He picked it up- "Hello. Dis Enry. Just made coffee Branpa Benya. We're here. Bye."


Lisa said...

he's so cool. I can't wait...

Alex said...

OK Ok! I'll check Travelocity for travel deals from New Orleans to KS.

Laura said...
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Anonymous said...

Whew-ha-ha...tell them funny stories until they can no longer resist and then we get more visitors...our plan is working.... ;)