Monday, September 03, 2007


I just realized that You, me and the Bean has been going for over a year now. Our first post was on August 31, 2006. My how things have changed in the past year.

We here at You, me and the Bean want to say thank you to everyone that visits our blog. It has been so much fun for us to share our stories and pictures with you guys. Sorry if you have ever left a comment and not gotten a response, we are not so good on the follow-up but we do love reading your comments, please keep them coming.


Mama, Papa and Bean

1 comment:

Q said...

It has been a wonderful year of playing and growing.
Thank you for sharing your family's adventures. I have laughed so many times and often I have cried. As Henry says, "I am so happy you are here."
Love and blessings,
Aunt Sherry