Thursday, August 23, 2007

hug eh-buddy

-Grandpa Benda came up to play with Henry today. He calls Wade "Wado" and so it just makes sense that Henry would be "Henry-o". This nickname really stuck with Henry. He called himself Henry-o and talked about Branpa Benya the whole ride home. He would look out the window and say "henwe-o" and smile and say "branpa benya" and smile. Henry loves his grandparents, that is obvious.

-Henry gives lots of hugs. Lately when he gives hugs he wants to include everyone in the room. He walks over to one person gives them a hug and says "hug? eh-buddy" and who can say no? We've gotten up to a 6 person group hug so far.

-He is really talking now-a-days. In the car this morning we saw a train, cars stacked up on top of each other, on a track that goes over one of the streets to our house. Henry said "Mama! Choo-choo train!" "Mama! Dow-bu decker." "Unden choo-choo." "Maybe."
Translation-double decker train and we are going to drive under it. The maybe part he doesn't really understand. On the way home we will say something like "Maybe we'll see a train" and now every time we see a train Henry will say "maybe".

-During Henry's bath tonight I peeked around the corner to say something to Wade and when I looked back at the tub Henry was playing with his hippo and rhino. He had one in each hand, they were walking along the edge of the tub and he was making little noises. Wade came around the corner and we watched our little boy play with his toys. The rhino started to walk away from the hippo and Henry said in a high voice "Bye bye". Then he looked up and saw us watching him. He smiled, held up both animals and said "Hippos? One, two." I have to say to that besides hearing his heartbeat for the first time, feeling him kick for the first time and holding him for the first time, watching him develop an imagination is one of the most amazing experiences. I just remember when he didn't even know how to use his arms and fingers and there is his, playing with his animals. It is so beautiful.

-We watch a lot of trains. Henry loves it. Many of the trains have graffiti on the sides. Wade and I are both big fans of graffiti. We say "Look Henry, art." So today, when a car covered in graffiti passed us on the way to Gigi's Henry yelled "Mama! Choo-choo art!"


Rediscovering ME! said...

You both are doing a wonderful job with Henry. You are fantastic parents and it shows. I love that you are introducing him to so many different things. He will grow up to be open minded and a wonderful person. Don't change a thing. He's beautiful inside and out!

Kelly Family Blog said...

Aw, shucks....thanks! We're pretty much winging it and there are surprises every day but it is the most fun I have ever had. :)


Rediscovering ME! said...

It only gets better. Seriously, each stage he goes through will have it's challenges but it's such a joy to watch children grow and learn. An experience I will never trade for anything. Keep up the good work and enjoy every second!

Missy Allets said...

This is really beautiful, it really is ;) to watch your kid grow day by day, and to actually be there to witness his everything..