This morning I went in to wake up Henry. I opened the curtains and softly said his name. By the time I got the curtains up on both windows and walked over to his bed he was smiling. He doesn't always smile first thing when we have to wake him up, sometimes he is a grump (that's like his Papa) and sometimes he is happy (that's his Mama-what can I say, I'm one of those annoying morning people).
Lately when I get him out of bed he wants to bring everything that is in bed with him out of the bed and the number of items he currently sleeps with is pretty impressive-four blankets (he yells blampy every time we pass by a blanket so the collection continues to grow) a very very large bunny named Bunbun, a Southern cat named Ray-Ray and occasionally his chochie (plastic train). So when I go to pick him up I have to wait for him to put all of his blankets in a pile, stack Ray-ray and Bunbunon top of the pile, pick it all up and waddle to the side of his crib- you can imagine that there is a lot of stuff between us, I basically have my hands right under his armpits with my arms outstretched with a mountain of fabric between us. This is especially funny at night when he wants to be rocked. He knows that he has four blankets so I will pick him up and he will say
blampy (I grab one),
blampy (grab another),
blampy (are you kidding me?),
blampy (we have got to hide one of these),
Ray-Ray (ugh I am going to have to turn on the light),
Bunbun (we are not all going to fit in the rocking chair). ----But I got off track-this morning, time to wake up, he smiles and starts to put all of his goodies into a pile, I prepare for the load and then he turns and belly flops into bed, stretching his arms and legs out as far as he can. In his green blanky sleeper that is just slightly too small for him he looks like a starfish. He sighs and says "ahhh, bed". Now that is our kid.