Saturday, April 21, 2007

Slow starters

I woke up this morning and figured it would a great day to go to the zoo. Unfortunately, as is typical with our family, no matter how early we wake up in the morning we can't seem to get out of the door before 10 am and with a 12:30 nap time there was no way we were making it to the zoo today. We decided to scrap those plans and shoot for a trip to the zoo tomorrow..."We'll pack everything up tonight and be ready to go first thing tomorrow morning" we said...uh-huh... ;)

Henry was not happy about the change of plans.....
[When Henry makes that face he looks so much like Wade. I can't tell you how many times in the past 9 years I have seen that exact furrowed brow.] Anyway...

We went to the store and bought him a sun hat for our outing tomorrow and made promises of other fun things to come this morning. Henry waited patiently...
Luckily for Mama and Papa, Lawrence did not let us down. The city is having a big Earth Day celebration this weekend at our favorite park. Most of the activities were for kids a few years older than Henry but he still loved it. He just loves being outside and watching kids play. There were a couple of kids in the park about his age that he followed around and played with a little bit. We are thinking that it is probably time for him to make some friends and spend more time with kids his age. We are even considering letting him spend a couple of days a week at the learning center at the university -give Henry a chance to play with other kiddos and Gigi a little bit of a break each week.

We'll post pictures from our zoo trip tomorrow. -L

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