Sunday, April 15, 2007

New chews

Henry got new shoes today.His feet have grown since his last pair of Puma's.

He is now a size 6. My friend Liz tells me that is the same size that her 3 year old nephew is wearing. -L


Anonymous said...

I'm graduate student in the Dept. of Anthropology at the University of WI and I'm doing a project on online journaling and I'm wondering if you'd be willing to answer some questions for me. Essentially, I'm looking into this new phenomenon (as it relates to the diaries with the key that we all had in our childhood)of journaling online. I'm also interested in the issue of privacy as it relates to our public life in the eyes of the government. After reading some of your blog I think you would have some interesting answers to the questions that I'm trying to answer!
My name is Margaret and my email address is It would be great if you could respond either way.

miss.supafly said...

These are too cute! I might actually have to buy a pair just to put on my bookshelf... Henry is one stylin' little man!

Missy Allets said...

That's the cutest little man you've got there! :)

Don't mind, please. I have linked you on my site and I wish to see your little man grow by the day.


Alex said...

And so it begins. Our little jewel begins to attract attention...