Sunday, April 15, 2007

Henry Shorts

"Owww" can be used in any situation to insight panic in the house, get extra snuggles, or get out of a diaper change...although Mama and Papa are getting wise to this tactic.
Primping is fun. Henry loves having his teeth brushed, rubbing lotion on his hands, having his toenails and finger nails trimmed, and having his hair brushed. He will run up to us, stick his foot on our lap and say "feet"when he wants a baby pedicure.
When he hears the train he said "chew chew".
When he hears a plane he points up to the sky and says "pane".
Squirrels run faster than baby's. So do birds. Especially when you scream "BEERD" while running toward them.
Reading books has become an interactive activity. Henry points out balloons and trucks, makes a "nee new" sound when he sees the fire trucks and he pretends to blow out the candles on a birthday cake in one book and smell a flower in another book.
Spitting (this is my favorite). While observing the many adults in his life brushing their teeth Henry has decided that it is necessary to pretend spit (leaning over and making a "peh" sound) whenever he passes a sink. He "spits" when we wash hands before and after meals. He spits when he sees us brushing our teeth. He even stops to spit when just passing by the kitchen sink. He doesn't, however, spit when he brushes his own teeth. Go figure. -L

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