Sunday, November 05, 2006

Today after lunch at Winsteads I took Henry out of the high chair and he took off running down the isle. He got going so fast that when he tripped over his feet, which he does every time, he fell forward, did sort of a sideways 1 and 1/2 forward roll and then laid out flat on the floor. He didn't cry because he wasn't hurt, actually the look on his face was more a look of exhilaration. I don't know if it was the thrill of the speed, the excitement of the dive-bomb acrobatics or the fact that 10 women sitting in the restaurant gasped and ran over to him. Whatever it was it was clear at that moment that I was going to see this maneuver again, probably this evening in my living room on the hard wood floor but with very different results.

Getting to know my son is really an amazing experience. I think sometimes I tend to think of him sort of like a puppy. I repeat the same thing over and over and have pretty much no expectation that any of what I am repeating will stick. But over the past couple of weeks it has started to stick and it surprises me every time. Today in the car he was copying me. I would whisper "Papa" and he would do the same. I would say it really loud and he would belt it out. He sticks out his tongue, mimics my facial expressions and sometimes repeats the sounds that I am saying and when he can't get the sounds he makes his own noises with the same inflection. He is very good about letting us know what he wants. He points at things and has different sounds for "I want that", "Pick me up", "Play with me" and the cutest ever "Read to me". Yesterday he was sitting on the floor looking at the book "Mama Mama" and he saw me sit down in the chair next to him so he stood up, picked up his book and his blanket and walked over to me and then made the sweetest little squeak I have every heard. Oh, and I almost forgot, he dances now. It's a sort of bounce with failing arms move, super cute. Wade and I have both noticed that his bounces are usually right with the beat. What fun this is! -L

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